It’s time for collective action NOW!

1970, Earth day is advocating for more consumer awareness and how the habits of consumption are harmful to the environment. Earth Day has managed to mobilize millions of people worldwide to participate in eco-friendly actions, like major beach cleanups. The high relevance of the global campaign is pushed even further by the participation of influential public personas, such as actor and activist Leonardo DiCaprio, who is showing his support publicly, pushing politicians to take immediate action.
"We need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly) and implement (equitably)". (EARTHDAY.ORG,
Because Earth Day is about taking collective action now, we want to propose a question to you: What is your contribution going to be?
Even if every individual only makes a seemingly minor contribution, little things will add up and turn small actions into something that’s impactful on a big scale.
Here is a list of ten activities to participate in:
Join a local cleanup event!
No cleanup event nearby? No worries, just invite some friends and start your own private cleanup at a local beach, forest or even in a downtown public park!
Plant a tree!
Sign EARTHDAY.ORG‘'s petition to hold the fast fashion industry accountable, here:
Educate a friend or family member!
Sit down and take time to analyze your consumption habits. Ask yourself, how can I change my habits to make a positive impact on this planet?
Ban at least one single-use item from your household.
Plant bee-friendly flowers in your garden or balcony.
Let your money do the talking: Support businesses who are demanding a sustainable approach to production.
Be an online advocate and lead by example. Post about earth day and encourage others.
As a certified B-Corp Indosole also feels committed to increase our positive environmental impact and continues to fight for climate justice!